Frequently Asked Questions about Social Security Disability

What information do I need on hand to apply for Social Security disability in Indiana?
Some of the information that you need in order to apply online for Social Security disability includes your Social Security number, names and dosage of any prescription medications you are taking, your medical records, and work history. Having as much of the information that you need ahead of time can significantly help when it comes to completing the paperwork and forms. A Social Security disability attorney can also help you through the application process.
Learn more about how to apply for Indiana disability benefits >>
When should I apply for Social Security disability insurance benefits (DIB)?
The wait for disability benefits can be a long one. You should apply for benefits as soon as your disability prevents you from performing your job.
How will the Social Security Administration evaluate my claim?
A Social Security Disability Determination Services (DDS) examiner will evaluate your claim by thoroughly reviewing your medical records. To submit your claim for evaluation, you should list every medical treatment you have received for your condition on the application for disability benefits in Indiana.
Who determines the extent of my disability in Indiana?
The Indiana Disability Determination Bureau (DDB) will be responsible for determining the extent of your disability. This bureau is tasked with reviewing all medical evidence for disability claims in Indiana.
Can my doctor or physician help me get approved for disability insurance benefits (DIB)?
It’s important that you routinely see your doctor if you are filing a disability claim in Indiana because your physician can positively impact your claim by explaining exactly how certain conditions or impairments will prevent you from holding a full-time job.
Learn more about the role medical treatment and records play in applying for DIB >>
What actions or mistakes could case the Social Security Administration to deny my claim?
Exaggerating the impact your disability has on your life, misusing social media, not providing a thorough work history, and missing deadlines for filing your paperwork are just a few of the mistakes that can cause the SSA to deny your claim. Any flaws on your application could lead to your claim being denied.
Learn more about what mistakes to avoid when applying for DIB >>
How long will it take to get a decision about my DIB or SSI benefits?
It’s difficult to say just how much time your case will take. Some people get approved in 3 months—for others, it takes 2 years. The amount of time it takes to resolve your case depends on how many times Social Security denies your claim.
My Social Security DIB application was denied. Can I appeal the decision?
It’s common for most disability claims to be denied initially; however, the majority of applicants who appeal are granted benefits. If you are truly suffering from a mental or physical impairment that is hindering you from working full-time you should not hesitate to appeal your claim.
I already receive DIB in Indiana. What happens to my monthly payments when I reach retirement age?
If you are currently working and are receiving Social Security disability in Indiana, when you hit your retirement age, your Social Security disability benefits will not stop; they will just change to Social Security retirement benefits.
Learn more about how your monthly payments will be affected >>
Do I have to pay income taxes on my DIB or SSI payments in Indiana?
If you are disabled and are collecting Social Security disability benefits, you will have to pay a federal income tax on your disability benefits. Figuring your income tax on disability benefits for your tax returns can be complex and you may be wrongfully taxed on your benefits if you are not aware of certain criteria that must be met.
Learn more about Indiana tax code and disability benefits >>
How will a workers’ compensation or personal injury settlement affect my disability benefits?
If you receive SSI or Medicaid, your settlement could affect your benefits or cause you to lose them completely. However, every case is different, and we strongly urge you to discuss your situation with your caseworker or an experienced Social Security disability attorney.
Learn more about how a settlement could affect your monthly payments >>
Questions about Working While Applying or Receiving Disability Benefits
What is Substantial Gainful Activity?
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) is one of the most important parameters for determining your eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. If you are able to engage in SGA, you will not be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits.
Learn more about SGA and how it impacts your disability claim >>
How will working affect my DIB payments?
There are certain rules that have been established by the government that may impact you if you receive DIB payments and are still working. To understand your rights fully and how to protect them, you may need to seek help from a Social Security disability attorney in Indiana in Indianapolis.
How will working affect my SSI payments?
It is possible to still collect SSI benefits in Indiana even if you are working. Considering you are earning an income, this can sometimes create problems and you may have difficulties obtaining benefits – but always know that you can seek help from an Indianapolis disability law firm to fight for your legal rights.
What is a trial work period?
A trial work period is an opportunity for you to see if you may be able to return to full-time work after you’ve been receiving Social Security disability benefits. A trial work period is beneficial to you because it allows you to test the waters of full-time work again without the risk of immediately losing your benefits.