What is Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)? | FAQ | Get Answers

What is Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)?


Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) is one of the most important parameters for determining your eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. If you are able to engage in SGA, you will not be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits.
SGA includes your ability to work and maintain employment but it is not just as simple as that. Your monthly net income must be at a certain amount in order to be considered Substantial Gainful Activity. This total is re-evaluated each year and will also differ depending on the nature of your disability.

For example, 2019 rules state that if you have a disability that does not include statutory blindness, and you are making $2,040 or more a month, you would be considered to be engaging in SGA, and would not be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. If you make less than this, you may be able to apply for Social Security disability benefits.

If you have a disability that does involve statutory blindness and you are making $1,120 or more a month, you would be considered to be engaging in SGA and would not be eligible for disability benefits. But if you make less than that amount, you have crossed the first obstacle in determining eligibility.

Other Social Security disability benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income, may not be impacted by SGA, depending on the disability. The many rules and exceptions in applying for disability benefits can get quite confusing, which is why you may want to seek help from an Indianapolis Social Security disability attorney.

Substantial Gainful Activity amounts also fluctuate with the national average wage index and an Indianapolis Social Security disability attorney can keep you apprised of the current benchmarks.

If your disability has impacted your ability to work and you think you may need to seek Social Security disability benefits, an Indianapolis Social Security disability attorney can help answer any of your questions regarding SGA and eligibility concerns.

A Helping Hand from an Indianapolis Social Security Disability Attorney

When you have complications with your Social Security disability benefits claim, the help of an Indianapolis Social Security disability lawyer is crucial to getting the assistance you need. In order to get back on track with your Social Security benefits claim, order a copy of our complimentary book, 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Social Security Disability Benefits, then contact a Social Security attorney at Hensley Legal Group for a no-cost consultation at (317) 472-3333.