Indianapolis Dog Bite Lawyer
Indianapolis is the capital of one of the most canine-loving states in the country, with at least one dog residing in almost half of Indiana households. Though dogs are usually enjoyable companions, they can also be unpredictable, lashing out over the mildest provocations. In fact, nearly 1,000 Americans require medical treatment for dog bite injuries each day, and the majority of them are bitten by dogs they already know.
Dog attacks can be terrifying and sometimes life-altering events, particularly to the children who are so often bitten by dogs, and justice might elude you after an Indianapolis dog bite because of the stiff legal restrictions imposed on these types of claims in the Hoosier State. Nevertheless, you can tip the odds in your favor by getting in touch with the Indianapolis dog bite lawyers at Hensley Legal Group, where we have been defending the rights of the wrongfully injured for over a quarter century.
To learn what a skilled Indianapolis dog bite attorney can do for you and your family, schedule a no-cost consultation by calling us at (317) 472-3333, chatting with us online, or filling out our contact form now.
Understanding Dog Bite Laws in Indiana
The challenges that you may encounter when pursuing an Indianapolis dog bite case will be heavily influenced by a host of factors, chief among them your employment.
Mail carriers, police officers, and other government workers who are attacked by dogs while performing the duties of their jobs are granted a wide latitude when it comes to claims against dog owners. Under Title 15, Article 20, Section 3 of the Indiana Code, if a dog bites anyone who is:
- behaving in a peaceable manner; and
- in a location where he or she has to be in order to satisfy an obligation imposed by:
- Indiana law;
- United States law; or
- Federal postal regulations
then “the owner of the dog is liable for all damages suffered by the person bitten,” no matter if the dog “has not previously behaved in a vicious manner” or if the owner “has no knowledge of prior vicious behavior by the dog.”
Unfortunately, practically anyone else bitten by a dog is in another boat altogether thanks to the state’s “One-Bite Rule,” which shields dog owners from liability in attacks on private citizens if the owners can prove that they were unaware of their dogs acting aggressively beforehand.
Effectively, this means that an Indianapolis dog owner is given a free pass the first time that his or her dog bites anyone who is not doing work for the government, though that pass won’t pertain to future attacks, which could be of little consolation if you happen to be the dog’s first victim.
Yet as frustrating as the One-Bite Rule can be, you might be able to overcome it if you can show that the dog attacked because of its owner’s negligence, indicators of which may include:
- Letting a dog off the leash in an area that mandates leashes
- Not keeping a dog within a kennel, yard, or confined space
- Neglecting to post signs warning about a hostile dog on site
- Allowing a vicious dog to interact with the public
- Allowing an unsupervised dog of any temperament to interact with children
It can sometimes be tough to demonstrate that a dog owner was negligent, but our tenacious Indianapolis dog bite lawyers will work tirelessly to find any proof of misconduct that may exist so that you can proceed with a personal injury case.
What Injuries Are Caused by Dog Bites?
A personal injury case can be critical after a dog attack because of the grievous harm that may be incurred. The nature and severity of dog bite injuries can vary, but some of the most common injuries include:
Puncture wounds
A dog’s teeth can pierce or puncture your skin, and the wounds could wreak more havoc than you might think, as deep wounds could expose you to bacteria, damage your skin, muscles, and nerves, and bring about such dire complications as rabies, tetanus, and blood poisoning.
Broken bones/crushing injuries
Bites aren’t the only injuries inflicted in Indianapolis dog attacks. Large dogs have very strong jaw muscles that can break, fracture, or crush your bones and rupture your tissues and organs, and there could be comparable damage if a charging dog knocks you over with enough force.
Eye injuries
Your eyes may be the most sensitive parts of your body, and they could be at risk of getting bitten or scratched during a dog attack, resulting in such eye injuries as:
- Avulsions
- Intraocular hemorrhage
- Corneal abrasions
- Orbital fractures
- Eye loss
Injuries of this magnitude could render you blind or significantly compromise your vision.
Facial scarring
Dogs frequently aim for the face during attacks, which could lead to extensive scarring and disfigurement on a portion of the body that can’t be easily concealed. Repairing facial scars can necessitate painful and prolonged medical interventions, such as skin grafts, laser treatments, and surgeries, and the emotional toll they may take in social settings or when you look in the mirror can be debilitating.
Head and neck injuries
The head and neck are similarly vulnerable to injury if dogs pounce, whether from a direct blow or from individuals tripping and falling while attempting to run away, potentially sustaining:
- Concussions
- Fractured skulls
- Broken jaws
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
- Musculoskeletal strains
Mental and emotional impairment
Because the wounds from an animal attack may be obvious from the beginning, they tend to be anyone’s top priority after they have been bitten by a dog, but the consequences you cannot see can sometimes end up being more profound.
Mental and emotional impairment can take a wide variety of forms, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and they may be especially harsh on children, who could be left with an extreme fear of dogs and sometimes a fear of going outside.
Regardless of what sorts of injuries you endure from an unwarranted attack by an unrestrained dog, our Indianapolis dog bite attorneys will do everything in their power to secure the greatest compensation possible for you from the dog’s owner and any insurance policy that may apply.
Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Dog Bites?
What sort of insurance policy applies to dog bites? While every Indianapolis dog bite case is unique, typically a dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance coverage will be the claimant’s primary source of financial reimbursement. Despite the name, homeowner’s insurance may actually cover dog bites both on and off the dog owner’s property.
But how much you could ultimately obtain will depend upon the terms of the homeowner’s policy and the amount of coverage for these kinds of incidents. For instance, insurance companies may categorize some dog breeds as dangerous enough to be excluded in advance from a policy, a list that might include German shepherds, Rottweilers, Chow Chows, and pit bulls, though the exact breeds may diverge from company to company.
Moreover, if the costs associated with a dog bite claim surpasses the maximum policy limits, you may have to go after the dog owner’s assets for the remainder of the damages. However, your chances of exhausting the policy could be slim because of stiff opposition from the insurer, who has an incentive to resolve your claim for less or just deny it completely.
An unfair denial could leave you with few options if you are negotiating with an insurance adjuster on your own, which is why it may be wise to put Hensley’s accomplished Indianapolis dog bite lawyers in charge of your case.
Steps to Take After an Indianapolis Dog Bite Injury
To better protect that case, there are certain steps that you should remember to take after an Indianapolis dog bite injury. Specifically, you should:
- Dial 911 – If you have been badly hurt in the attack, take out your phone and dial 911 to request the presence of emergency personnel.
- Seek medical attention – Infections are highly probable after dog bites, some injuries may not be readily apparent, and delays in care can be detrimental to your health and permit doubt to be cast on the relationship between the attack and your injuries, so seek medical attention promptly.
- Get dog owner and witness information – Because you can’t have a dog bite case if you don’t know the owner of the dog that bit you, get his or her contact information before leaving the scene. If there were any witnesses to the attack, get their information as well.
- Ask about the dog’s vaccination status – You could be spared an excruciating series of shots for fatal illnesses like rabies if you can confirm that the dog was recently vaccinated, preferably from the dog’s veterinarian, since this issue may be too important to rely on the owner’s word.
- Notify animal control – Be sure to give animal control a comprehensive account of what took place in a timely fashion so that an accurate report can be produced, and don’t forget to inquire about earlier assaults by the dog, which could help you defeat the One-Bite Rule.
- Take pictures – Maintain a visual record of your injuries throughout the healing process, charting their progress from fresh wounds to scars.
- Avoid the insurance carrier – Representatives from the dog owner’s insurance carrier may be eager to talk to you, but try to avoid them if at all feasible, since anything that you say could be used against you. Instead…
- Talk to an attorney – A seasoned dog bite lawyer can answer your questions and explain what you can expect if you are contemplating a case.
How Our Indianapolis Dog Bite Attorneys Can Make a Difference
It is shocking how quickly man’s best friend can become your worst enemy, subjecting you to physically, spiritually, and economically devastating injuries, but retaining the Indianapolis dog bite attorneys at Hensley Legal Group can make a difference.
If you hire Hensley, we will launch a thorough investigation into your Indianapolis dog attack and everyone who contributed to it, then move swiftly to unearth evidence that could vanquish the One-Bite Rule, such as recklessness by the dog’s owner or a history of violence by the dog.
Once an airtight case has been assembled, our Indianapolis dog bite lawyers will strive to get you compensated for the totality of your losses, including your:
- Medical bills
- Lost income
- Pain and suffering
- Psychological anguish
- Reduced mobility
- Diminished quality of living
- Loss of consortium
- Punitive damages (if relevant)
And if we do not receive an offer that is worthy of your case, we are more than willing to go to trial for a verdict that is, unlike some of our competitors, who seldom, if ever, venture into a courtroom.
We realize that you may be reluctant to agree to more expenditures when you can barely afford them, but Hensley Legal Group works on a contingency basis, so you won’t have to pay us anything until our Indianapolis dog bite attorneys win your case.
You have enough to worry about at this moment merely recovering from your dog bite injuries. Let us worry about recovering the funds you need to do it.
Reach Out to Our Indianapolis Dog Bite Lawyers
Hensley Legal Group has been fighting for the honest men and women of Indianapolis since the firm opened its doors in 1998. No feat is too daunting or adversary too intimidating to stop us from staunchly advocating for our clients’ interests. If you have no idea what to do or where to turn in the aftermath of a savage dog attack, reach out our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers to explore the remedies that may be available to you.
You can call us at (317) 472-3333, chat with us online, or fill out our contact form for a complimentary case review with a dedicated Indianapolis dog bite attorney today.
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