Free Personal Injury Guide
So You’ve Been in a Car Accident
You’re unsure of what your next steps are. You’re frustrated by what insurance adjusters are telling you, and you’re worried you might not get a fair settlement.
When you’re not arguing with the insurance company, you’re focusing on healing. You’ve gone through all your PTO. Maybe you’ve even lost your job. Meanwhile, that pile of medical bills certainly isn’t getting any smaller.
No matter what you’re going through, you shouldn’t have to go through it alone.
My name is John Hensley, and I am an attorney and founder of Hensley Legal Group, PC. I put together a free guide to give you peace of mind through this process, to answer your questions, and to inform you of your legal rights so you know to protect them.
Too often, people sign releases and accept settlements without fully considering their rights. This can have terrible consequences. Many people aren’t aware that they can only agree to one settlement per claim. You can’t decide later that you need more. The amount you agree on needs to be right for your case, not just right now, but months, even years from now.
This isn’t about being “sue crazy” or getting more than you’re entitled to. It’s about getting what you deserve.
A Common Story
You may be wondering if this guide is right for you. Even if you’ve only received minor injuries in a car accident, this guide can help.
Here’s a story our office hears all too often: You’ve been in a fender bender. Your injuries appear to be minor, and the insurance company is offering a $600 check if you sign a release. Sounds harmless, right? Why get an attorney involved? You sign the release and collect your check.
But two months later, your pain persists. When you finally see the doctor, things are much worse than you had thought. Your doctor recommends back surgery.
Unfortunately, even though your car accident is the direct cause of your back injury, you cannot go back to the insurance company and demand another settlement. You’ll have to pay for your surgery because you signed the release too soon — before you knew the extent of your injuries.
This story is common because insurance companies typically want to settle quickly for as little as possible. Their interests are not usually in line with what’s best for you, but instead with what’s best for their bottom line. They have lots of people on their side who do this for a living, and you’re going at it alone for the first time.
This is why you need my guide.
Get the Compensation You Deserve
My free guide gives you practical advice you can use right now to recover the money you deserve without problems, hassles, or delays. You can read at your own pace, in your own home, with no pressure from anyone to sign a form or agree to a service.
The purpose of my guide is to help accident victims get a fair settlement and to make an otherwise miserable situation as painless as possible. Choose a personal injury lawyer that will go above and beyond for you.
Please enter your name, email, and phone number into the form to download my guide. If you need help or have questions, call our office today or contact us online for a free consultation.