Evansville Food Poisoning Attorney - Hensley Legal Group

I Got Food Poisoning from a Local Evansville Restaurant. What Do I Need to Know?

Many may remember the E.coli outbreak that occurred this past June. The main source of this illness was tainted romaine lettuce, and the Centers for Disease Control announced that all restaurants and grocery stores should remove this product form their shelves and kitchens until further notice. Most of these establishments complied, and the product was […]

December 14, 2023

Many may remember the E.coli outbreak that occurred this past June. The main source of this illness was tainted romaine lettuce, and the Centers for Disease Control announced that all restaurants and grocery stores should remove this product form their shelves and kitchens until further notice. Most of these establishments complied, and the product was removed from supply until later in the month when it was deemed safe again. This outbreak affected many people, causing illness to over 200 and resulting in five deaths. The whole country was impacted, and even Evansville establishments were forced to take measures to remove the product before anyone got ill, despite the fact the crop was grown in Arizona. These instances are scary for many. The idea of getting severely ill after eating at your favorite local Evansville establishment can make many uneasy. Food poisoning can be more common than you may believe, and it doesn’t always take a bad lettuce crop to make a person ill. There are a few important questions you may have if you become ill from food poisoning at a local establishment.

What Can Cause Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is caused by a virus or bacteria that was consumed through the food. Measures are taken in establishments to help avoid this kind of issue, but if proper measures are not taken, illness can occur. In some cases, this can occur because the meat was undercooked, rotten, or not prepared in a hygienic environment by clean hands. In some cases, like the one discussed earlier, the illness can be caused by a bad supplier or crop. This typically causes cases to be wider spread and more severe.

Who Is Liable?

Every case is a little different, and some have more parties involved than others, but typically the establishment is liable for your illness. In these cases, the contaminated food is considered a “defective product” that you purchased. You paid for a well-prepared meal, and you were given something else.

Can It Be Proven?

These cases tend to be a little more difficult to prove than some because you won’t always have proof that the food you ate at the establishment is what made you ill rather than another factor. If you became sick, and you believe it was food poisoning, ask others who ate at the restaurant with you if they became ill as well. This can help strengthen your case. It’s also important to save any leftovers you may have to be tested for contamination.

Help from an Evansville Personal Injury Attorney

If you experience food poisoning after eating at a restaurant or buying a contaminated product from the grocery store, you could be entitled to compensation. Call Hensley Legal Group today for a free consultation or contact us online and allow one of our experienced attorneys fight on your side.