Disability Claims Related to Special Senses and Speech

Disability Law Service in Indianapolis:

Claims Related to Special Senses and Speech

Disability law service in Indianapolis can help you learn what your rights are if you or a loved one suffers from a disorder related to special senses and speech. Consulting with an attorney who handles Social Security cases in Indianapolis, Indiana is the best way to learn what options are available.

An Overview of Special Senses and Speech Related to Disability

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a specialized category of impairments related to special senses and speech.
 If your condition falls under this listing of impairments and meets the specific criteria, then you could qualify to receive Social Security disability benefits.

The 3 main areas that make up this category are: 

  • visual disorders;
  • loss of speech; and
  • hearing loss.

The conditions that qualify you will depend on the location and severity of your disability.

Under visual disorders this includes: 

  • loss of visual sharpness;
  • narrowing of the visual fields;
  • loss of visual efficiency; and
  • labyrinthine-vestibular function disturbance.

Loss of speech includes any cause in which an individual’s speech cannot be sustained, understood or heard. With hearing loss there are specific criteria related to the kind not treated with cochlear implantation and the kind that is treated with cochlear implantation.

Help from a Disability Law Service in Indianapolis

You will need to prove, with medical evidence, that your condition qualifies for Social Security in Indianapolis, Indiana. Since most initial claims for disability are denied, you would benefit from the help of a disability law service in Indianapolis.

An attorney who handles these types of claims knows the mistakes that can be made which increase the chance that your claim will be denied. 
They can help you with the complicated paperwork and make sure you complete everything on time and file it with the correct place.

Additionally, an attorney can make sure you have adequate evidence that demonstrates the type of disability you have and the severity with which it impacts your life on a daily basis. There is other information that you will need to have on hand, which an attorney can advise you of.

If your claim for disability was denied, then you would also benefit from the help of an attorney who can assist you with appealing your claim. They can improve the chance that the next time you apply; your claim will be approved. However seeking help from the beginning is the best way to protect your claim.