IVC Filters
DISCLAIMER: Please consult with your doctor before making any changes to your use of any FDA-approved drug or device.
Many blood thinner patients have been prescribed IVC filters as a replacement or as additional treatment when the blood thinners are not effective enough on their own.
We are investigating cases against manufacturers of IVC filters. These manufacturers are making billions of dollars yet still fail to adequately warn of the dangers these products pose to your health.
What are IVC filters?
Inferior vena cava filters are designed for temporary use to help prevent pulmonary embolisms in patients where blood thinners are no longer an option.
What problems are the filters causing?
The filters have been found to have three main issues:
- Migration– Filters are shifting from their implant location causing them to be ineffective or difficult to remove.
- Device Fracture– Pieces of the filter are breaking off and traveling to the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
- Perforation– As pieces of the filter break off and travel through the blood stream, they can tear or puncture veins or organs they strike. This can require emergency treatment.
If you are interested in pursuing a claim or have questions regarding IVC filter claims, please call.
Time is of the essence. Please keep in mind that there are statutes of limitations which will bar your claim unless a formal lawsuit is brought within that period of time. If you do not begin a lawsuit within that given time period, you will be barred from bringing the lawsuit at a later date. Until we are under a signed agreement, we do not represent you in this matter and can do nothing in relation to your potential claim. Call today for a free case evaluation.
DISCLAIMER: Please consult with your doctor before making any changes to your use of any FDA-approved drug or device.