Are Lawyers Necessary to Help Settle an Indiana Truck Accident Claim?
If you have been involved in a truck accident in Indiana, lawyers are not always necessary to settle an Indiana truck accident claim. Truck accident claims have the potential to get very complicated, though, and may be rigorously defended by a commercial trucking company, especially when serious or permanent injuries are involved. Therefore, if you are facing life-altering injuries that will need long-term or lifelong care, you should get help from an experienced Indianapolis personal injury lawyer who has extensive experience in truck accident claims.
There are many aspects to the commercial trucking industry that can affect your Indiana truck accident claim, such as the federal trucking regulations, insurance regulations and liability issues that relate to commercial trucks. Because large truck carriers are required to have much higher insurance than that of passenger vehicles, the insurance companies that represent trucking companies are highly skilled at defending claims and will probably have a team of attorneys on their side working to deny your claim or settle for the least amount of money possible.
As an accident victim who is also likely unfamiliar with negligence laws, how to defend a personal injury claim and what types of compensation for which to ask (and how to prove those expenses), working with an experienced Indianapolis personal injury lawyer can help make sure your rights are considered throughout the claims process. Your attorney can help you avoid common filing mistakes and insurance industry tricks designed to make you harm your own truck accident claim.
Additionally, it is not uncommon for several different parties to be liable for your truck accident injuries. Your Indianapolis personal injury lawyer can review the facts surrounding your case to help identify all the responsible parties which may include the truck driver, the trucking company who employs the driver, as well as third-parties that may have contributed to the accident.
Working With an Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyer
When you have been seriously or permanently injured in an Indiana truck accident, the medical costs alone can easily skyrocket to hundreds of thousands of dollars. With these types of cases, having experienced legal counsel on your side can make a huge difference in your ability to recover compensation for your injuries and expenses. In order to get back on track with your truck accident claim, download a copy of our complimentary eBook, Consumer’s Guide for Injured Victims, and then contact a personal injury lawyer at Hensley Legal Group for a no-cost consultation at (317) 472-3333.