Can a Manufacturer Ever Have Liability in a Motorcycle Accident in Indianapolis?
If a defect existed in the motorcycle at the time it left the manufacturer and was made available to consumers, and that defect was a contributing cause in a motorcycle accident in Indianapolis, the motorcycle manufacturer can be held liable for damages to be awarded to the injured party. If you or someone you love has been injured in such an accident, an Indiana motorcycle crash lawyer can work with you to determine liability.
Motorcycles provide little shelter or protection to their operators and passengers from the harsh elements of riding – the road, larger vehicles, obstructions and obstacles. A much smaller piece of machinery, a motorcycle is more sensitive to the hazards of the road than a standard passenger car or other motor vehicle.
The safety and structural integrity of the motorcycles that are produced should be the top priority of manufacturers. In instances where faulty machinery, defective materials, or poor design contributes to an accident, a victim may file a product liability claim to force the manufacturer to be held economically responsible for failing to uphold the standard of safety.
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Indianapolis that was caused by a defective component, motorcycle, or vehicle, you have a window of opportunity to file a product liability claim to recover the costs you incurred in your accident. Reach out to an Indiana motorcycle crash lawyer who can assist you in understanding how your case fits into the personal injury system, how your claim can be handled, and what kind of results you can expect.
A Helping Hand from an Indiana Motorcycle Crash Lawyer
When you have complications with your personal injury claim, an Indianapolis personal injury attorney can help you to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with filing a claim. In order to get back on track with your personal injury claim, download a copy of our FREE book, Consumer’s Guide for Injured Victims, and then contact an Indiana motorcycle crash lawyer at Hensley Legal Group for a no-cost consultation.