Let Our Indiana Car Accident Lawyers Help | Hensley Legal Group

Injured in a Crash with a Drunk Driver? Let our Car Accident Lawyers Help

Most people don’t plan for a car accident to take place. But they can and do happen each and every day. Although most drivers are incredibly cautious and look out for others on the road, this isn’t the case across the board.   Unfortunately, there are also many drivers out there who are reckless and engage […]

Car Accident

September 22, 2023

Car AccidentMost people don’t plan for a car accident to take place. But they can and do happen each and every day. Although most drivers are incredibly cautious and look out for others on the road, this isn’t the case across the board.  

Unfortunately, there are also many drivers out there who are reckless and engage in dangerous behaviors while behind the wheel.  

Driving recklessly doesn’t just put the driver of the car and their passengers at risk. It really puts everyone on the road at risk too, and that’s really not fair.  

Here at Hensley Legal Group, we don’t think you should have to pay if you were injured in a car accident and weren’t to blame. We will do everything in our power to hold the responsible party accountable for the damage they caused so you can focus on resting and recovering. 

Getting back on your feet after a car accident can definitely be scary. But the good news is that you don’t have to worry. Hensley Legal Group is on your side and wants to fight for your right to compensation after your accident.  

We’re highly committed to accessibility, so we’re always here whenever you need us. You may call us at 317-472-3333, chat with us online, or fill out our online contact form. A trusted representative from our team will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak with you.  

Trust a car accident lawyer from Hensley Legal Group to help and do what’s right for you.  

Drunk driving plays an unfortunate role in car accidents 

Did you know that in 2021, 932 people were killed in car accidents here in Indiana? Any life lost in a car accident is a terrible tragedy. And sadly, many of the deaths could have easily been prevented. 

Many safe driving ads today focus on the dangers of texting and driving. While distracted driving is a very serious issue, the conversation has shifted away from drunk driving, which is still an incredibly significant problem. 

Drunk driving claims thousands of lives each and every year around the United States. Most people understand the severe consequences that often happen when an intoxicated person gets behind the wheel of the car. But sadly, many people do it anyway. The results can be extremely serious and often even fatal. 

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety goes on to report that 484 of the people killed in Indiana back in 2021 were drivers, and 199 of those had known blood alcohol concentration results.    

In the state of Indiana, you legally may not operate a vehicle if you have a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or higher. But as a rule of thumb, it’s smart to avoid driving if you’ve been drinking at all. Even buzzed driving can impair your senses and dramatically reduce your reaction time. 

Indiana takes drunk driving charges incredibly seriously  

The state of Indiana comes down hard on drunk drivers, and for good reason. They’re putting everyone at the road at risk when they choose to drink and get behind the wheel of a car.  

Even if it’s your first offense, you could be looking at jail time up to 60 days. If your blood alcohol concentration is at .15 percent or higher, you could get jail time for up to an entire year.  

The punishments vary based on the circumstances of your specific case. But even if you don’t receive time in jail, you could also end up paying hefty fees, have your license suspended, or even have an ignition interlock device placed on your vehicle for a period of time.  

Receiving drunk driving charges can severely disrupt your life. Be smart and always drive sober. If you have had any alcoholic beverages, it’s a good idea to ask someone safe to drive you home or to call an Uber or Lyft. It’s not always convenient to have someone else drive you home, but it’s much better than driving while under the influence.  

When should I call a lawyer after an accident with a drunk driver? 

The health and safety of all the individuals involved in the accident should be your primary concern when you’ve been in an accident with a drunk driver.  Call the police and get medical assistance right away. Once you are safely able to do so it may be time to call a car accident lawyer like Hensley Legal Group. The sooner we can start working on your case the more time we will have to recover evidence like, witness statements, camera footage, or photographs of the scene. Hensley Legal Group works on a contingency basis which means you only pay us out of a settlement you would receive for your injuries. If you don’t get paid neither do we.   

Contact us right away for assistance with your case 

When you choose to work with Hensley Legal Group following your car accident, you’re working with a team that genuinely cares about outcomes and wants what’s best for you.  

Our lawyers are highly trained and experienced. Although they can’t guarantee any specific outcome, they will do everything they possibly can to get you the compensation you really deserve.  

Getting involved in a car accident with a drunk driver can cause catastrophic damage for everyone involved. But you don’t need to go through it all by yourself.  

We’re passionate about fighting for our clients’ needs. Check out some of our online reviews and see how our reputation speaks for itself.  

Get in touch with us as soon as possible and let us know a little bit more about your case. You can depend on our top-tier team of car accident lawyers to help fight for your rights after your crash.