Can I Receive Social Security if I'm Blind?

Blindness is a severe impairment that affects every aspect of daily life. Whether you were born with impaired vision or if your vision has simply gotten worse over time, there may come a point where keeping gainful employment becomes difficult or impossible.
Across the board, the Social Security Administration (SSA) defines disabilities as ailments which severely hinder or outright prevent you from keeping gainful employment. If you find yourself unable to make ends meet because of blindness or impaired vision, you could qualify for disability benefits.
Applying for Disability for Partial or Total Blindness

You can receive disability benefits even if you are partially blind.
The SSA considers you legally blind if your stronger eye has weaker than 20/200 vision, or if your field of vision is 20 degrees or less, even when using a corrective lens.
Legal blindness applies to those blind from birth as well as those who’ve become blind (or severely vision-impaired) because of a condition that carried the blindness as a side-effect.
If you do not fall under the SSA’s definition of legal blindness, you may fall into the category of “visually impaired, but not technically disabled.” In this case, you may still be able to receive disability benefits if you are unable to work because of your vision problems.
In addition, blind beneficiaries can still receive disability benefits even if they’re able to work. The 2019 wage cap for blind persons is $2,040 a month. As long as you don’t make more than $2,040 a month, you can receive disability benefits along with your paycheck.
If you haven’t worked enough to qualify for SSDI, you could still apply for Social Security Income (SSI). A disability benefits attorney can help you decide which option may be best for your situation.
Medical Records Are Key

Every disability benefits case is different, but all are thoroughly investigated by the SSA. Because of this, having proof of your condition’s severity from a professional caregiver is important.
Your doctors understand the true extent of your disability and can relay precisely the steps you have to take for treatment. Medical records and written testimonies from doctors who have treated your condition are the best way to prove your condition to the SSA.
Help from an Evansville Social Security Disability Benefits Lawyer
If you or someone you know is blind—or nearly so—Hensley Legal Group may be able to help. Call us today or contact us online for a free conversation about your claim.
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