Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits as an Evansville Resident
Countless lives are impacted every year by disabilities, and many times, people’s livelihoods are affected. According to the Evansville Courier & Press, the number of people on disability in Vanderburgh County and the surrounding area increased from 7.2 percent in 2004 to 9.5 percent in 2015. This is an increase of 31.9 percent in the span of a decade.
If someone is unable to work due to a disability, there is bound to be a lot of financial and emotional stress on the family. This is where Social Security steps in. If you have been diagnosed with a disability and it is impacting your ability to work, you could be entitled to various Social Security benefits to make up for the loss, including disability insurance benefits (DIB) and supplemental security income (SSI).
- Disability insurance benefits (DIB): Social Security disability insurance is a federal assistance program designed to pay benefits to you and members of your family if you qualify as both disabled and “insured.” You build this insurance as you work and pay into Social Security taxes. By paying into this over the years, you have earned the insurance if the day ever comes where you can no longer support yourself. Be careful, though — your insurance may expire.
- Supplemental security income (SSI): If you are unable to work, you are not getting paid, and this will likely affect your entire living situation. Supplemental security income is a federal income supplement program that is funded by general tax revenues rather than Social Security tax for cases just like this. This system is designed help those who cannot generate a reasonable income because of their disability. It will provide assistance based on financial need to these individuals to help meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing.
Do I Qualify?
When you apply for Social Security benefits, you will be asked to provide medical and other information to verify your disability. Some disabilities that could qualify for Social Security include:
- Learning disabilities
- Autism
- Emotional disturbance
- Speech impairment
- Visual impairment
- Deafness or hearing impairment
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Multiple disabilities
The important thing to understand when applying for DIB is that you have to prove that your disability prevents you from working. You may qualify for SSI even if you are working, but you have to prove that you meet certain household income limitations and provide medical evidence of your disability.
Why Do I Need an Attorney?
Many times, no matter how severe your condition is, getting approval for disability benefits can be a difficult process. In addition to having a qualified advocate supporting you and representing you at the hearing, a skilled disability attorney can also help you to navigate the system, accurately complete the complex paperwork, and ensure that all deadlines are met.
Help from an Evansville Social Security Disability Lawyer
If you believe you qualify for Social Security disability benefits, do not go into the process alone. Call Hensley Legal Group for a free consultation, or contact us online. Our experienced Evansville attorneys will provide the support needed to navigate the system during this difficult process.
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