Can I Receive Disability Benefits for Prostate or Testicular Cancer?

Can I Receive Disability Benefits for Prostate Cancer or Testicular Cancer?

According to the Movember Foundation’s website, men around the world die, on average, 6 years earlier than women. Some of the health risks that help cause this statistic include prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and poor mental health. Though it may seem silly, those participating in Movember or No-Shave November grow a mustache or facial  hair […]


November 5, 2018


According to the Movember Foundation’s website, men around the world die, on average, 6 years earlier than women. Some of the health risks that help cause this statistic include prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and poor mental health.

Though it may seem silly, those participating in Movember or No-Shave November grow a mustache or facial  hair during the month of November to raise awareness for men’s health issues and stand in solidarity with sufferers. Through conversations, they encourage men to have tests done and to talk through their stress, rather than bottling it up and allowing it to become a mental health issue. They donate the money they would have spent on shaving products to organizations fighting men’s cancers.

If you’re worried about a recent or potential diagnosis, it helps to feel supported by other men in November. But in addition to emotional support, you may also need financial support. That’s where Social Security disability benefits come into play.

Social Security Disability Benefits for Male Cancers


Some types of cancer are exclusive to men, including testicular cancer. The treatments for these diseases often place patients out of work for extended periods of time, meaning many men lose their primary source of income, at least temporarily.

If your cancer is expected to keep you out of work for at least 12 months, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may be able to help compensate your income through monthly benefits, and the criteria can be simple. However, the process is often long, lasting months or even years, so to keep your application on track, it may help to work with a Social Security disability attorney.

Getting Benefits for Prostate Cancer

The SSA lists a few ways to easily qualify for disability benefits on their listing of impairments, and prostate cancer has three options for applicants to become qualified:

  • Patients who experience recurring cancer cells despite initial hormonal treatment
  • Patients whose cancer metastasizes (spreads) to internal organs
  • Patients with small-cell carcinoma

If your diagnosis includes any of the above three conditions, you may be able to qualify for disability benefits. Call a qualified attorney about your case to get the process started.

Getting Benefits for Testicular Cancer

The entry for testicular cancer under the SSA’s listing of impairments is much simpler: patients diagnosed with testicular cancer that hasn’t responded to initial chemotherapy may be eligible for benefits.

However, this is not the only way to qualify for benefits if you’ve been diagnosed with this type of cancer.

Alternative Ways to Qualify for Disability Benefits

Through its rigorous evaluation, the SSA will also consider applications for disability insurance that include health issues “equal” to one of its listings. For example, if a man’s testicular cancer was initially treated with surgery and not chemotherapy, and still metastasized, he will likely be considered equal with the listing under 13.25.

In addition, any patient can submit the side effects and long-term effects of treatment for consideration in addition to any other diagnoses. For cancer treatments, the side effects are often severe and sometimes last for the rest of the patient’s life.

These effects add to the likelihood that your application could be approved, providing benefits that start to relieve the financial burden of your illness.

Strengthen Your Disability Application with Our Help

No one wants to hear their life is about to change because they have cancer. The message of Movember and its supporters is that you don’t have to bear this weight alone.

Consider putting Hensley Legal Group on your side as well. Our experienced Social Security disability attorneys will work to make your application as thorough as possible and make sure to meet any deadlines.

Call us or contact us online to start a free conversation with our staff about your options.