6 Ovarian Cancer Facts All Women Should Know | Injury Attorneys

6 Ovarian Cancer Facts All Women Should Know

1. All Women Are at Risk Every year, 250,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and over two-thirds of them will die as a result of their illness. It’s difficult to diagnose early, and women from all walks of life, from first-world to third-world nations, are susceptible to the disease. Since it is so common […]


January 20, 2017

all-women-risk-ovarian-cancer1. All Women Are at Risk

Every year, 250,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and over two-thirds of them will die as a result of their illness.

It’s difficult to diagnose early, and women from all walks of life, from first-world to third-world nations, are susceptible to the disease. Since it is so common and so dangerous, it’s important for everyone to learn more about ovarian cancer.

blood-test-ovarian-cancer2. Pap Smears Do Not Detect Ovarian Cancer

Many women mistakenly believe that pap smears screen for ovarian cancer, but the only cancer pap smears actually test for is cervical cancer.

Two tests are used instead to detect ovarian cancer: transvaginal ultrasounds (TVUS) and the CA-125 blood test. Neither of these two tests is foolproof.

TVUS can detect masses in the ovaries, but it cannot test whether the mass is cancerous or benign.

The CA-125 blood test detects high levels of CA-125, a protein associated with ovarian cancer. However, other everyday conditions might cause high levels of CA-125.

ovarian-cancer-symptoms3. Symptoms Are Often Mild

Too many women believe their ovarian cancer symptoms are symptoms of PMS, menopause, or even indigestion, so they put off seeking treatment.

The frequency of your symptoms can help determine whether you’re suffering from something less serious or if you may be suffering from ovarian cancer. Constant bloating, feeling full quickly, abdominal pain, and urinary problems are all signs of ovarian cancer.

Keep a symptom diary if you’re worried your typical PMS or menopause symptoms are more frequent and may be ovarian cancer symptoms.

time-diagnosis-ovarian-cancer4. Time of Diagnosis Can Improve Chance of Survival

Early diagnosis (when the cancer is only in the ovaries) can greatly increase a woman’s chance for survival.

Up to ninety percent of women survive more than five years after diagnosis if their ovarian cancer is diagnosed at an early stage.

But ovarian cancer is more often diagnosed at a late stage, resulting in a higher mortality rate. Seek medical attention immediately if your typical PMS or menopause symptoms change in frequency and/or severity.

pregnancy-ovarian-cancer5. Birth Control and Giving Birth Both Decrease Your Risk

Giving birth actually decreases your risk of ovarian cancer. If you’ve never given birth and don’t plan to, don’t fear: if you’ve used birth control pills for more than five years, you have also lowered your risk for ovarian cancer.

Since all women are at risk, it’s important to know that nothing has a 100-percent guarantee of preventing ovarian cancer.

Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing any symptoms of ovarian cancer.

talcum-powder-ovarian-cancer-woman6. Frequent Talcum Powder Use Can Cause Ovarian Cancer

Many studies have revealed that there is a 30-percent increased risk for ovarian cancer among women who use talcum powder in their genital area.

Common talcum powder products such as Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower and Baby Powder have been linked to causing ovarian cancer.

Juries have determined that companies are liable for failing to warn customers about these risks.

At Hensley Legal Group, we’re helping women who suffered from ovarian cancer due to their talcum powder usage (and sometimes their survivors) to recover compensation for all of their pain and suffering and tremendous medical bills. If you or a loved one has suffered from ovarian cancer due to talcum powder use, call Hensley Legal Group today for a free, no-obligation consultation.