4 Ways to Help Your Loved One Cope with PTSD | Car Accident Lawyers

Four Ways to Help Your Loved One Cope with PTSD

An estimated 2.5 to 7 million Americans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after motor vehicle accidents, according researchers published in 2007 in Professional Psychology, Research and Practice. Knowing how to deal with PTSD and how to help someone with PTSD is important in these cases. PTSD can create a host of disturbing symptoms that […]


October 10, 2013

post-traumatic-stress-disorder-car-accidentAn estimated 2.5 to 7 million Americans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after motor vehicle accidents, according researchers published in 2007 in Professional Psychology, Research and Practice. Knowing how to deal with PTSD and how to help someone with PTSD is important in these cases.

PTSD can create a host of disturbing symptoms that can affect your loved one’s emotional and physical wellbeing, from being fearful of getting back into a car, to explosive, emotional outbursts.

Their symptoms can leave you feeling hurt, frustrated, and frightened. It’s a difficult journey for any family, but there are several ways you can help your loved one deal with their PTSD in a healthy, loving manner.

Helping Your Loved One Cope with PTSD

Your primary role is to be understanding and patient not to try to “fix” the situation.

Here are some of the ways you can show your support and help your loved one through this emotional time:

  • Educate yourself – Read up on PTSD and learn about its effects.  Learning how the disorder affects victims and their families and how others have found relief could be very beneficial.
  • Be present – Offer to be there with your family member during doctor’s appointments and counseling sessions for emotional support and encouragement.
  • Exercise discernment – Offer a listening ear and a caring shoulder for your loved one to talk about his or her feelings, but if you start to recognize signs that it’s becoming overly stressful for him or her or if he or she seems unwilling to open up, don’t push the issue.
  • Be active – Suggest outdoor, physically active activities for you and your family member to do together, such as a walk or bike ride.

When someone you love has been traumatized, such as in a car accident, and is struggling to deal with PTSD, you can best help by spearheading an active support system during the difficult aftermath.

Discussing Reparation for PTSD with an Accident Lawyer

If your loved one’s emotional disorder is directly related to a car accident for which someone else was at fault, you might want to discuss possibilities of financial compensation with an attorney.

Feel free to contact Hensley Legal Group in Indianapolis to discuss your loved one’s accident. Call us today to set up a no-cost consultation.